Don't Toss That Parmigiano Rind! Turn Scraps into Flavour Gold

Don't Toss That Parmigiano Rind! Turn Scraps into Flavour Gold

When you buy block or chunk of Parmigiano/Parmesan Cheese there will usually be a rind on the end which ends up in the bin, I mean no one is eating that right its hard as a rock and the outside of the cheese it's not the most edible piece or appealing. 

But they have a super useful purpose add them into your soups, stews, sauces etc to add SOOOOO much flavour 😋 they are the simplest way to add flavour to your dishes with minimal effort. 

I add about a 5cm or so (if i have less that is fine) chunk of the rind into my soup, sauce etc once I have added all the ingredients in. It can sit in there while your soups etc simmer or cook away and once you are done simply fish it out as it will still be 1 piece. 

It also saves it going in the bin so hello helping the planet 🌏

Oh and best part you can save them in the freezer too so no need to worry about it going off or mouldy 🙌. Keep them in the freezer until you need them and then take it out to add to your dish. 

And btw you can usually get Parmigiano Block in Italian supermarkets, fruit shops, some big supermarkets stock them too 

Or some fruit shops even sell the rinds buy themselves, I use these alot so if I see the rind for sale on it's own I always buy a pack. 

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