Mozzarella Ball

How to save Mozzarella from going mouldy

I love using Mozzarella in the kitchen and using a fresh Mozzarella balls instead of buying the pre-grated kind. It works out much cheaper and tastes way better too. 

But it doesn't stay that fresh once you open it and can go mouldy pretty quickly when you have it sitting in the fridge even if it is covered. 

So my trick which many of you were surprised by is to freeze it! As soon as I open it and use some I then take it out of the pack and slice it up into about 1cm or so slices and pop it into a re-usable silicone pouch. But you can always wrap it in cling wrap or pop it into a container. If you are putting it into a container then slice it up first, pop it onto a tray in the freezer uncovered for about 15-20 mins to start to freeze then pop it into a container so that it doesn't all stick together.  

I cut these up into slices because it makes it much easier when you want to use it. If you freeze it as a whole mozzarella ball when you want to use it it will be impossible to slice and may go to waste if you have to defrost the whole thing. 

So next time you get a Mozzarella ball and once you open it slice it up and pop into the freezer for up to 3-4 months 

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